Replacement of Paging Systems
Before MEDX

Replacement of Paging Systems
After MEDX

Emergency Room Triage
Before MEDX

Emergency Room Triage
After MEDX
Commentary: Speeding up ER triage and flow can result in large cost savings and improvement in patient outcomes. For example, group messaging instantly notifies all care-team members involved in a patient’s care. This will improve coordination of care and workflow efficiency.

Trauma Transfer Triage (emergent)
Before MEDX
Commentary : Multiple levels of delay with repeat imaging and not involving the target decision maker (Spine Surgeon) early in the workflow. In these scenarios, time delays occur, which in turn can affect patient outcomes.

Trauma Transfer Triage (emergent)
After MEDX
Commentary: The spine surgeon has been involved prior to patient arrival and has already seen the CT scan. There is no repeat CT scan performed, which means time delays and unnecessary spending are eliminated. Because the scenario was performed in a more efficient manner, the patient’s outcome has been optimized giving them the best chance possible for this scenario.

Trauma Transfer Triage (non-emergent)
Before MEDX
Commentary: There are many levels of inefficiency, costs (e.g. ambulance, repeat XRs, etc.) highlighted in this scenario. This patient should have been splinted at the urban hospital and sent home with follow up.

Trauma Transfer Triage (non-emergent)
After MEDX
Commentary: The process is now completely efficient and effective. There is no unnecessary transfer performed, which equals cost savings and time. The patient is appropriately treated in quick and efficient manner.

Documenting in the EMR
Before MEDX
Commentary: It is unlikely that this phone encounter is documented in the EMR even though it should be. It is not efficient for the physician to get up, go to the computer, log onto the EMR and document this encounter. This can be a medical-legal situation brewing.

Documenting in the EMR
After MEDX
Commentary: Using the app’s mobilegration technology, the physician was able to quickly document the note and photo of the patient’s condition and save it into the EMR from the palm of their hand. This documentation is protected in a medical-legal situation.