Mobile Encrypted Data Xchange | | 1.888.799.MEDX

Managing Your Patient’s Privacy and Why it is Good for Business

Managing Your Patient’s Privacy and Why it is Good for Business

Managing Your Patient’s Privacy and Why it is Good for Business

As you are are seeing the commercials on television of Facebook trying to regain the trust of its consumer, or reading the news online about top executives leaving WhatsApp due to the data privacy scandal, a valuable lesson is learned.

Respecting a customer’s privacy is important. Being respectful of the rights of your customers, clients and partners is a grassroots principle in business that should never be taken for granted.

M.E.D.X as a company thrives on securing the privacy of its customers as well as their clients or patients. Our customers trust us with their data and the service we provide. We do not sell, buy, rent, share, or use data exchanged within the app (check out our privacy policy). At M.E.D.X, the integrity of your data is protected and always top priority. We pride ourselves on not “selling out.”

Here is an example of a plastic surgery office that uses M.E.D.X regularly to communicate with staff as well as their patients. In the graphic below, the patient mentions how Dr. Parikh provides their patients an app (M.E.D.X) to securely communicate about their care and liked that aspect of her treatment experience.


The M.E.D.X app provides a platform for providers and patients to communicate securely and privately to maintain efficacy of care without violating HIPAA regulations.

For more information regarding secure messaging between providers/staff and their patients, please contact us today at or 1.888.799.MEDX!