Mobile Encrypted Data Xchange | | 1.888.799.MEDX

Should Chiropractors Be Concerned About Secure Messaging?

Should Chiropractors Be Concerned About Secure Messaging?

Should Chiropractors Be Concerned About Secure Messaging?

Smartphones are convenient ways to communicate with both staff and patients; however, they are not always compliant with HIPAA standards and may put your patients’ privacy at risk.

In order to safely use your phone to communicate PHI (protected health information), the data needs to be encrypted both on your phone and while any data is being sent. M.E.D.X has been exploring how we could help out chiropractors securely communicate with patients and staff.

M.E.D.X attended the National Chiropractic Leadership Conference of 2018 (NCLC 2018) in Washington, D.C, and we were given a great opportunity to present the M.E.D.X app to chiropractors from around the country.

After speaking to hundreds of chiropractors and office managers, we learned 3 important things:

1. Using smartphone communication to send text, photos, and links to educational videos is becoming MORE prevalent in the chiropractic space.

2. Patients seem to be leaning towards communicating about appointments and treatment plans via text over traditional methods such as a phone call.

3. The chiropractic space is competitive and budget concerns are very important.

At M.E.D.X, we are always trying to do 3 objectives when engaging with prospective customers:

1. Increase awareness of the benefits of smartphone use when communicating about work with staff and with their clients or patients.

2. Educate healthcare professionals regarding the rules and risks of using your smartphones as a means to communicate.

3. Convince all forms of healthcare entities how the M.E.D.X app will not only protect their integrity, but also improve patient care and bottom line

Due to these findings, we were excited to discover that there was synergy between the M.E.D.X app and the chiropractic space. We are looking forward to growing partnerships with chiropractors and becoming their number 1 solution for secure messaging!

Michael Parikh, CEO


The M.E.D.X app provides a platform for providers and patients to communicate securely and privately to maintain efficacy of care without violating HIPAA regulations.

For more information regarding secure messaging between providers/staff and their patients, please contact us today at or 1.888.799.MEDX!