Mobile Encrypted Data Xchange | | 1.888.799.MEDX


Why MEDX is more than just secure texting?

Healthcare communication patterns are trending towards smartphone use and further away from traditional methods such as pager-to-phone interactions. Mobile Encrypted Data Xchange or MEDX not only provides a secure alternative to these core processes, but also includes the core features desired by healthcare personnel to improve speed and efficiency when providing patient care.

MEDX is an advanced mobile communication system for healthcare. It follows the guidelines of HIPAA and the HITECH Act by using the latest standards in technical security, encryption and device safeguards. MEDX goes well beyond secure texting because of its rich features and integration capabilities with EMRs and PACS systems. It is also a carefully thought out bring your own device (BYOD) control your own data (CYOD) solution.

MEDX is different because it is designed by physicians, nurses and ancillary healthcare personnel. The purpose of MEDX is to securely exchange both user generated and non user generated protected health information (PHI) between all staff involved with handling PHI. This will not only improve clinical decision-making, but also enhance care workflows, ultimately resulting in cost savings and better patient outcomes. MEDX is a unique communication system because it can unite healthcare systems from within and also bridge outside systems together.

Secure Texting

HIPAA Compliant

MEDX’s architecture has been designed in compliance with all HITECH and HIPAA technical safeguards.

Secure Texting

256k AES

All data is encrypted at server, database and device level with 256K AES encryption algorithms.

Secure Texting


All transmission of data is encrypted using SSL/TLS cryptographic protocols.


Encrypted Messages Exchanged

Secure Media Taken

Healthcare Users

Get the App

MEDX is available for download on Apple and Android devices. Download now or contact us for a risk-free trial!

Download for Apple


Download for Android


What our clients are saying...

  • As a plastic surgeon operating a clinic, I have found that MEDX has been an invaluable and affordable tool in today's practice of medicine. It has allowed my practice to be HIPAA-compliant while at the same time, enhanced the care that I provide to my patients. I can safely access my patients photographs, communicate with other physicians, and securely transfer large documents. Not only does this give me the peace of mind knowing that I am HIPAA-compliant, but also allows me to deliver better care to my patients. MEDX is also designed by physicians, nurses and ancillary healthcare staff, which was a big selling point for my clinic. When you use MEDX you can tell its designed for us.
    Dr. Khurram Rashid, MDPartner, Central Illinois Cosmetic Surgery
  • This is Emily Deal, office manager of Mobile Medical Solutions/Family Wellness Associates, office of Susan Thompson APRN-CNP and Dr. Richard Zielinski. Just wanted to let you all in on a new program that we have been using to safely exchange patient data called MEDX. It is encrypted and HIPAA-Compliant, super fast and easy to use. You can send pics, docs, videos, messages, group messages, etc. For those businesses that use PACS, they have a great program on there for you, which would mean no more mailing CDs of X-rays to those whom use MEDX. We have been working with Michael Parikh who has been great, and has shown us how easy and accessible it is to use from our iPhones.
    Emily Deal Office Manager, Mobile Medical Solutions
  • Knowing that our staff like using their smartphones to communicate for work, I knew that I had to make sure that they were following HIPAA guidelines when doing so. We searched for apps that were providing this service and decided on MEDX to be our app to fulfill this need.  MEDX was chosen by our staff because of how easy it is to use and the features it contains. The staff was comfortable with the app because it was designed by professionals like themselves. As an administrator of the clinic, I felt comfortable with the admin portal and its permission controls. Further, being a multi unit practices with locations across Washington state, It has the ability to bridge our clinics together and communicate securely via the personal smartphone. This was an essential feature for our clinic. Overall, very impressive application, shores up a need, keeps our employees happy, and assures we are HIPAA-Compliant. Highly recommend MEDX as a mobile communication solution for healthcare.
    Mona Berdan Clinic Manager at Cedar River Clinics
  • MEDX has been found to be a valuable tool for us when needing to share and/or discuss confidential information.  With staff members already carrying their phones with them, this app became an easy “add on” giving us immediate and safe transfer of information.
    Monica A Farrar, MS CRC, LMHC-PDirector, The Resource Training Center
  • As a surgeon, I need streamlined communication to speed up my day. MEDX allows me to get information that I need about my patients right in the palm of my hand. I don't need to worry about HIPAA violations at all. It's as easy to use as Facebook or Whatsapp, only fully encrypted, secure and faster. It makes me feel safe when I need to send information about patients peer-to-peer. Highly recommend MEDX as a HIPAA-Compliant solution.
    Dr. Toan Nguyen, MD, FACSBreast Oncologic Surgeon
  • 10/4/16

    In the healthcare mobile app space, adoption rates are always a concern for prospective clients. Family Wellness Associates have been using MEDX for over a year and were interviewed about how the application has been working for their group and if they have had any concerns:

    Can you describe the experience of rolling out the app to your staff?

    "It was really easy to onboard and teach staff how to use and navigate the app because it's designed to be easy to use."

    Do you feel MEDX is simple to use? and if so, what do you like about the app?

    "Yes. We love all the security features and how easy it is to communicate to everyone safely."

    Has it helped with your clinic's workflows, and if so, can you give an example?

    Yes. Since we have so many facilities, MEDX allows us to easily communicate with everyone on one secure platform so workflows have improved across the board -- especially for urgent messaging. Some of our providers only work certain days, so it helps because we can send them an urgent message through MEDX rather than a message through the EMR which providers are not always able to access immediately. With MEDX, they can receive these urgent messages instantly and then go to the EMR to enter notes of the urgent situation they just handled -- saving time and additional steps.

    Which features do you find most useful?

    Single/group messaging, marking messages as urgent, sending pictures/videos/documents, data wipe out.

    Would you recommend MEDX to other clinic Practice Managers?

    Yes, absolutely.

    How would you rate your interactions with MEDX staff and how is their customer service?

    They perform quickly, efficiently, and professionally. They are always looking for ways to improve and work with you to optimize the customer's experience.

    Any other comments that you would like to add?

    We are thrilled to have our staff using this app because it helps ease the workflows for us which helps us provide better patient care.
    Office StaffFamily Wellness Associates of Oklahoma